Who We Are
Co-Founders: Kate Houstoun & Judy Wicks
Judy Wicks
Judy is an author, activist and retired entrepreneur best known as founder of White Dog Cafe. She also founded the non-profits Fair Food Philly, Sustainable Business Network of Greater Philadelphia, and the nationwide Business Alliance for Local Living Economies.
Kate Houston
Kate Houston is a Program Officer at The Barra Foundation, where she manages grants in health and human services. Previously, Kate served as managing director of the Sustainable Business Network of Greater Philadelphia and as deputy director of Ready, Willing & Able Philadelphia, where she oversaw fundraising, business development, and social enterprise.
Steering Committee
Lindsay Gilmour
Lindsay is the owner of Organic Planet LLC and plays 2 roles professionally as a chef and culinary educator specializing in healing foods, and as a regional food systems consultant. She was a founding board member of the Sustainable Business Network and Fair Food Philadelphia.
Barbara Grabias
Barbara worked at the University of Pennsylvania as Coordinator of the Annenberg Scholars Program, and in 2001, became the librarian at St. Malachy School in North Philadelphia. Barbara has been a member of the Catholic Peace Fellowship, and has served on the Outreach Committee at St. Peter Episcopal Church. She enjoys the arts and spends her time reading and traveling.
Bernadine Hawes
Bernadine is the board chair of the Delaware Valley Industrial Resource Center DVIRC, which supports small and mid-size manufacturers in our region. She is also Vice Chair of the National Advisory Board NIST-MEP.
Diane and Ted Reed
Dianne works with Ted Reed at reed | group, focusing on strategy engagements. She serves on the boards of Friends Life Care Partners, Germantown Friends School and Friends Center City. She is a former budget director of the City of Philadelphia and senior manager in the national public sector management consulting practice of KPMG. Ted heads a marketing research firm, reed | group based in Philadelphia and is a partner in two other marketing research firms – Small Business Research Center and LivertyPoll. Ted is the immediate past president of Friends Center, is the board chair of Cliveden of the National Trust and is a founder of Mt. Airy USA, a non-profit community development corporation.
Steve Weinberg
Steve has led, chaired, or invested in eight community and business sustainability initiatives in the last 15 years, trying different avenues to help create a future where we all win.